Wednesday, May 18, 2005

YES, I exist...

so since the last time I wrote on here, I was starting college and it was going well. WELL, first semester did turn out pretty well, however last semester of my first year in college was a DISGRACE - lets just say that I got bad grades... ok I partied too much. The more I kept crying on the phone with my dad being so afraid of what I should expect when I get home from his sternness, my life at wazzu became sort of a blur. (when I came home however, my dad and I became best friends which wasnt what I expected.) I took sundays off of partying to recover, which wasn't enough to get by with grades I aimed for. WHATEVER freshman is a time I will never forget! Examples of my unforgettable experience include:
~having huge slumber parties in my dorm room with a mattress covered floor.
~laughing/having fun/being loud at all hrs of the night to piss our loser, neighbor friend off.
~DRUNK DIALING - I'm not annoying... much (I swear to GOD I'm not DRUNK!)
~daily girl gossip
~GIRL FIGHTS - well almost but there was definitely tension
~MY infamous fruit steal from the stalled semi truck
~sleeping on the frat porches... yes I know
~getting kicked out of FLIX with noticably drunk KRISTEN haha
~me and my lovely roomie, BEAR TOES, being dramatic with music
~pulling allnighters until class in the morning (mostly because I party hard... not study hard)
~lovely surprises in my room when I was gone like it being covered in TOILET PAPER!
~drinking during class
~swallowing a goldfish --- umm yeah I was dared and drunk... I had no other choice

well I could go on but then I would be up all night... regardless though, wazzu rocked my world and I hope I can get back being a more successful student so I'll last.

Anyway, since college, I spent a couple days at home until I got the chance to fly to new york to work for my brother and his company! And I must say, I've been here about five days and barely got any work done, we've just been partying too much! yeah thats my brother for ya: a lazy bum that happened to get lucky and start his own online advertising agency and since then had it made for him... he and his girfriend, Maritza just had a baby girl, Madison, in december so I'm having fun with her. I love spending time with the fam here since I really havent had the chance to before now. in the next few days we're supposed to go to miami to do some more work, if my brother can get off his ass and book the flights! I'm excited to get there!

Anyway, I'm tired (and high haha) but just thoguht I would throw a few words in here to catch up a bit... more later though :)
