As of right now I live up the hill in an apartment in bellevue, which I can literally walk down the hill to my dad's house its so close. My brothers are staying where my sister and I stayed before we both moved out. I'm training to serve at Rock Bottom, which brings home the $$ so I can exist. Noo, I don't go to school right now and I know I should but a break was much needed for me. I've been on a break for over a year now, however that will change in the fall. It better. I seem to have a bit of drama mixed in my otherwise peaceful life here between my friends and job. Most of the time it can get annoying and unnecissary, but I do find myself to be entertained and amused by it.
I've lived here for 4 years now and for the past year or so I've really contemplated moving elsewhere. I would like to say I'm adventuresome because I do like exploring the unknown and to be honest, the Seattle life is really wearin' me down lately. I was thinking Santa Cruz in CA where my BEST friend from childhood lives. I always see amazing pictures of the beach and it just seems like great, wholesome people consume the town there. My brother wants me to fly down to somewhere in asia where his business partner/good friend lives to pursue modeling and I don't think that would be such a bad idea either. WHOLE different life I would have there, which could be very exciting and maybe needed at this point in my life. Yeah those are the only two extreme moves that I would actually do at the moment. Then again, there's always Minnesota to go back to but I left there for a reason and I really wouldn't be looking forward to the 6 months of -20 to 30 degree weather out there again! I need to make a decision soon though because I only have 2 more months before the lease is up for my apartment.
As far as relationships go, I turn the other way. I hate the word love and I hope I don't get caught up in that word with someone for a long time. I want to be free and single for a while. Well, I have most of my life so it should be no biggie anyway. Guys suck and every time I open up to one I get slapped in the face and stabbed in the heart and I'm left lonely. haha ok no more talk about men, I might get violent! Just kidding but almost serious.
haha I ran across some pictures on my brothers profile though and I'm sure the later me would appreciate this!! haha don't laugh 'later me'.
ohhh baby.. I looked damn sexy in the highschool days!! (especially with the swim caps)
haha ok those pictures made me smile and so did my three best girlfriends that just called me! I think I'm about to go drink my night away now and pass out drunk, happy, and alone :)
cheers to highschool memories...