Alright ... So when I think the whole situation with my sister and the threatening and Tyler thing was over ... Apparently she still has grudges over me as some of you have read her profile. It really hurt me to see that because through this whole thing, I've been trying to stick up for my little sister and put people straight if they believed a rumor about her. She doesn't recognize this though and basically just thinks that I'm saying shit about her. I just don't understand how she can get so hateful towards me and I'm just trying to back her up. It's sad too because I've lived with her all her life and it's about to end in less than 5 months. I guess there's nothing I can really do about it at this point. All I know is that I'll always have a heart for my sister. She's just immature and naive at this age to the point where she doesn't give a shit about someone of her own blood. What she said in her profile hit me hard so I'm just trying to avoid her right now. I can't talk to her when she's trying to hurt me and use me. Not anymore though... Maybe I'm just trippin about something little, but it's hard when I see her every day.
Anyway, 4/20... Good times had my fun... I actually missed my practice to go chief! And I lied to my parents saying that I was going to practice... risky deal but it seemed to have worked. I felt not at ease though when my coach asked me if I had that day didn't have anything to do with not being at practice and I said "no" ... I hate the person I'm turning into. I don't know it's just not me to lie and cheat to be able to do what I wanted. I mean I could WHATEVER I wanted to in MN without the guilt but it's really taken it's turn here.
AHH and I feel like there is this gap in my life too. I was talking to one of my good friends and she has been going through rough times lately and was like "If my boyfriend wasn't there for me through everything, I don't think I would have made it." I don't have that, haven't ever really had that, but I know I have good friends to talk to and help get me through rough times... I guess it's just hard when I can't relate to someone. All I know is that, I'm waiting for that person to step up to the plate and take a swing and shoot for home... lol I'm such a nerd... I didn't know how to put it any other way, but you get my jiff.
Today was a joke basically for going to school. As most of you already know, but for some of you who don't, this week is messed up since 9th and 10th graders take test in the AM and I get to sleep in! So today I went to school at 10:40, went to photo and then signed out for the rest of the day to take my dad to the airport, which he will be staying in NY with my brother for the weekend to Monday. It's nice not having two heads controlling the house, but I still have my step mom on my back. She's easier as a parent though because she's naive and doesn't check up on me as much. So I guess I have it easier. After school, I made cookies for my polo team before the game against Newport. We lost but should have won. I think a lot of us were more focused on the players we were guarding because their team is really aggressive and can be sneaky and pull bitch moves at some points so I guess it was just hard to focus on the game itself. Plus the fact that the sun was glaring at the pool and it came to be hard to see. But we have a game tomorrow though at 7:45... pretty late, but I guess this game will determine if we go to state or not. If we lose, we will HAVE to spend a weekend trying to qualify for state by competing with other teams. So tomorrow will be a big day, but we still have a chance if we lose.
Well, I guess I better go pick my darling sister up from her practice... What a joy...
Feeling: alone... lonely... empty... overworked... mixed in with soreness ha ha
Have a good night everyone
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