Friday, August 01, 2008

Oh, summer.

I have been having such an amazing summer. It's also helped me put things into perspective as well. I've gone out hiking, canoeing, biking, boating, swimming, etc. and I'm glad I've decided to build on my health, rather than destruct it. haha

One thing that is bothering me from all the fun I'm having lately, is my beloved sister. I love her to death, but I know she just can't stand me right now. I don't know how to put it right either! We both have disrespected eachother, called names, hit eachother... and it's sad that we can't just come to terms with everything and move on. Most things that piss her off are over the most pathetic things too. For example, we haven't talked in almost months because she saw one of my friends try on her black shirt that was mixed with mine in the laundry. SO WHAT? I love her and I hope one day we can be friends through all this. She's having tough times right now anyway with her on and off boyfriend and demanding job she has. She put all that on herself though. I'm making twice as much as her and I work not NEARLY as much. oh well. Not everyone is going to like you right?

One person that does though happens to be a guy I'm dating right now. This whole year I haven't found one guy that is decent enough for me and then all the sudden, I'm listening to a song at a house party, where there he is singin and playing the guitar. He's extremely talented and is probably going to go somewhere with his music. I know it's no surprise, since that's all I've seemed to date in the past

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