Don't let morals set you back in life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something.
Monday, December 28, 2009
What Happened?
During this trip my sister and I took to Minnesota, I saw a life that lacked that. It was disturbing at first, then I wanted to feel it out and help, listen and be there. Then I realized, I can't fix anything. I can't tell people to be a certain way (man, would the world be such a better place though HAH). All I can do is be me, the best way I know how to be - full of life, youth, energy, and love. And hopefully that is enough to infiltrate to those who don't do as such. It's a shame to see good hearts, smart minds go into a fixed, robotic lifestyle. A life where your thoughts are locked away in your mind and your feelings stashed somewhere in your heart. Maybe someday you'll get around to it, but now you have to stay above water. Pay those bills, make people happy, stay out of everyone's' way and cause no hassle for anyone. It's just depressing to watch.
On the flight home, I was sitting next to this little girl, who was flying by herself. So I took it upon myself to watch over her. She started opening up to me as I started making a hemp necklace. She got so interested in what I was doing, I could help but teach how to do it. By the end of the plane ride, I had her make a hemp necklace for her mom she hadn't seen in three years. As I was about to leave, I saw her and she saw me and she ran up to me and gave me a hug! I had only spent a few hours with this cute little girl, and she was attached with pure feelings. I felt so much better instantly, just by that one plane ride home. I need to start hangin around kids more often, I think. Better yet! wait... no ... not yet Mikaela.
After aching for so long to go back to MN to see my old roots and catch up on times lost with my HS friends, it feels so refreshing to be back now that I'm finally at ease here in Washington. I feel like I've been on the go since August, which is true, besides a week here and a week there of coming back home just to repack and bail out again. I need a break. I need to focus. Figure out what my next step is now that I've seen all my options. Well, not all but the options that are most convenient for me. My life stands still, right now, just before the dawn of 2010. I'm left in a pondering moment where all the voices and all the images keep replaying in my head. Between love, my future, family and great bonds I've encountered... I have a lot to think about.
Goodnight world.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dear Aunt Leslee,
But now, all that's left is her flawless, laughing image in my head.
She's gone and I still feel like she was there yesterday, being the best mom I know. She let herself go because she had no more control. She couldn't wake up and realize that she meant the world to me. She was my best friend; my hero in so many ways. I have learned to humble myself with unconditional love for others as she always had for me. I let the little kid come out in me, just like it did in her, just to show people that life is short. I miss her so badly and that will never go away. The laughter and joy that I bring into my life now is in remembrance of what she gave me. The first thing I had ever learned from her.
Until the day she died, she still had a smile on her face telling me that she was just fine and everything will be alright. She shut out everyone in her life but her two little girls. Even you read the letter. She said, "if I continue doing this, I will die." She knew she would, and that's the hardest part to understand. Why would she let go of this precious life? Why would she just let it all go? They say you fall seven times, so get up eight. FIGHT for you life. It's so beautiful yet all you see are the clouds. It hurts me beyond words to hear that you're giving up. I cry because I want you to live. I don't want to lose another close family member of mine to this.
You carry such a light and happiness that my mom, your sister, had. You have been there for me like I was your own daughter since day one. You have such a strong, independent attitude about you that reminds me to let go of my weaknesses. Your support through all my bad times has helped me become more of a better person. You are one of the few things I have left to remember her by. Please, don't die.
I love you so much.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
A Songwriters' Favorite Feeling
I was given a journal when I started getting an opinion about everything, riiight about the good ol' ripe age of 10. Ever since then, I haven't stopped. Any frustrating moment where I couldn't speak my peace, it was straight to the journal. Then when I got older and got a computer... my journal entries turned into a big blog that became a reality show of my life.
Honestly, everyone is not perfect (well maybe my other Aunt and her family that has never missed a Sunday morning church session). You can't expect someone like me, knowing my past and what I have seen, to keep everything bottled up and pretend like it never happened. I can't help but spill the beans every once in a while. I figure, it's better than starting a pointless fight at a bar, curling up into a ball and becoming depressed because I have no one to talk to, or becoming a prostitute or something along those extreme conditions.
I am just simply speaking what it is on this mind of mine. Everyone has two sides to their side. One side is telling them "you're an idiot. Just give up now and save yourself from the agony" and the other side is saying "be free. Let those bad thoughts go and do what makes you most happy" ... whether you like it or not, those bad thoughts will remain. One of my beloved friends likes to think of her bad thoughts as gory suicide missions on paper. I'll have to admit, it's quite hard to read. Whereas, a few of my other friends and family, well maybe more than a few, like to drink their sorrows away. Sometimes I don't blame em. I'm even guilty of that but have been veering away from that scene slowly. A lot of times, I get friends coming to me and are asking for advice. Bravo to these folks. These guys, especially in the long run, are more open-minded, pleasant, and coachable people to be around. And there's nothing better than having a coachable friend that needs the coaching. I find that the quieter ones are more likely to drop the big bomb every so often. Those are the ones I tend to watch out for. They get so short-wired after a while that it seems like no matter what anyone says, they'll get irritated. I hate to say it, but it's like my sister. I could say one thing that wouldn't upset anyone but her and she'll go off on me, just because it came out of my mouth. I hate to see it happen and I wish she wasn't so uptight but that's the luck of the draw, I suppose.
What really hits the nail in the head is writing for me. DUH, I know. Granted, I still do a little this and a little that to ease the pain, but writing has always stuck around for me. I'll even take breaks here and there when I'm feeling lazy and don't want to write down those thoughts, but then I'll get a wild hand that won't stop typing. Once that happens, I take off into the bloggers' imagination. It's like a songwriters' favorite feeling.
Alright people out there, I'm out for the count. Another late night blogging session bites the dust.
Peace and Love, M
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Let's talk sex, kids.
Most of my childhood was very healthy. I was your cliche playful, teasing, goofy, innocent -not to mention gangly- little girl that was always finding new adventures. As I turned into a young woman, hormones were rising and became something I didn't know what to do with. I wasn't comfortable in those giddy crushing situations. Most people at that age could relate right? Well, I just so happened to be completely awkward and repellent in those situations. Every time a guy would lay eyes on me, I'd figit and look around to see if I was surely the one he was looking at.
As time went on, I realized I was growing out of my awkward stage and was getting a lot of attention just by my looks. I liked the attention... at first. I felt like I was a hot commodity and someone that you'd be lucky to be with. Egotism got the best of me lets just say.
As further time went on, I started to become more aware of my intelligence and how I wanted to project myself and started to become more conservative, less flirty. Almost as if I had it out for guys, I was a strong-minded woman. I didn't take any more pick-up lines and found myself being rude to guys just because I assumed they wanted to get in my pants. This stage didn't last long.
As a little more time went on, I was lonely. A lot of my friends got into relationships and I was stuck living the single life. I started becoming more open to men, however I still had my shield on, knowing that most men were up to no good with a girl like me. I struggled trying to make flings last, and the few that did - push forward into a relationship. I soon realized then, that I didn't want to compromise this one precious life that I had. I don't like feeling set back or compromised into a life someone else wants for me. I want to live my OWN life.
Then I started exploring. I became interested in just about everything: traveling, people, stories, cultures, men and women. I wanted to see how other people lived that was different from mine. What grew on me was my attraction towards women, especially the ones that struggled with being a piece of meat towards men. AKA the pretty girls. As time went on, I found myself not only attracted physically towards men, but also women.
I don't feel like I've thoroughly explored that facet in my life, but I'm open to the idea lets just say. Women provide something that men cannot and that is no games. Most girls that I've connected with are usually very upfront, open, no bullshit type of chicks. I'm not saying that all women don't play games, just the more lesbian ones. It's comforting and refreshing to be able to have less pressure and tension and be real and raw and whatever makes you you. I'm not going to lie, I don't think I'll ever be a full-on lesbo, I don't even think I'm bisexual at this point; just bicurious. I do have a thing for men, and that's just it: MEN, Not boys. Not those that play games and throw me in vicious cycles of irrelevant arguments and drama, all based off of jealousy and decisions I make. Blah, screw that.
So, as it still stands, I am single but I've found myself falling closer and closer to better people. Ones that captivate me and might even be one day, Mikaela's... boyfriend (or girlfriend). AH! =)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Adventures Adventures, MORE Adventures =)
Getting my ish together is quite demanding of myself when I've been caught up in such a good time. I have never felt so FREE in my life. It's like I really did find that meadow in the middle of no where, spread my arms and my smile and ran around underneath the sun. I've been climbing up beautiful mountains, seen crazy shooting stars, jumped off some rocks into the ocean, ran around in circles until I fell (in a handicap parking spot have you mind), played hide'n'seek in the forest, played tag in the middle of the dance floor. I haven't played dadgeball on a trampoline yet but it's bound to happen at some point. I saw Where the Wild Things Are - which I adored. I feel like that kid. Hasn't found herself quite yet and needs to shake it out and wander for a while but am on the verge of coming up with something big. I went to my brother today and asked him "What's next? How do I follow this crazy two month rollercoaster I've been on?" My brother then asked me, "what meaning and value do you want to make in your life. Whatever that is, you should strive to make it happen... now."
Now the real question - that million dollar question that I always find a different answer to, just to answer the question: What is it that I want to do? What direction do I want to go? Where would I be most beneficial in this life??
Yikes. Those questions scare me.
I've thought of a few ideas... ones that can be easily followed with just the right dose of focus and ambition. School- I want to go back and finish my degree in PR or International Business - but where? Seattle seems too obvious. I'm too big of a fish in this small pond anyway. I feel like if I went that route, everything would follow afterwards. I wouldn't need that much of direction as I would figure out what I like and don't like along the way. On the side I was thinking, why not start my own business? I always wanted to have my own fashion line. I have a few new items in mind that aren't out on the market, as much as it should be at least, that I could fabricate into something great. Also, I would love to be a party planner. I always think of dope ideas for friends and after being where I've been I don't doubt that I could be pretty good at it. haha.
All I know that my future entails at this point is PEOPLE. I'm in love with everyone I talk to. I love hearing what people have to say; genuinely hearing them out. Everyone is so different, god knows I am, and I am just fascinated what it is that some people have that I don't, whether it be physical qualities, personality traits, etc. Also, I love seeing people happy. I don't want to be no shrink or FBI agent. I want to make lives better with situations that aren't that extreme. I want open-minded people, coachable, dependable people in my life. Also, ones that are willing to push the envelope alittle more than what they are used to. I am of course, a thrill seeker. This brings me to my next point...
So after all that happened after burning man, things have gotten crazier, if that can be possible. I quit JBay!! No more shady boss, bad hours, poor money, disrespect. The next day I took a flight out to AZ to see my brother. I thought, screw it. If I'm going all out, I mind as well road trip it with my brother, and he welcomed me with open arms. The following weeks became quite an adventure. From Phoenix to San Diego for their decompression, then back to Phoenix for more madness. The following weekend, we hit up LA for a crazy, "invite only," party that we caught ourselves in exactly one year prior. Then we went BACK to Phoenix to tie up some loose ends just to find ourselves back in San Diego one last time for Halloween. Madness I tell you. It was probably one of the best times of my life. I met possibly the coolest, most positive, energetic people in SD. They got us turning around our traveling plans to make a magical Halloween weekend I'll never forget. From warehouse parties to fire spinnin to swimmin at 6 am ... aww they were like candy in the food chain. After Halloween, we made our way to Vegas for the SEMA car show convention. That is where I met Forrest. He's a 'drifter' professional driver. From there, I got him to come visit Seattle for a few days and then I went with him to his home town for a week. Just so happened that he grew up in Hawaii!!!!! oh baby. And not only that, we were there the weekend the Hawaii Decompression was going on. Haha what are the odds. It was a glorious week. Beautiful views, amazing fruits, great weather. Couldn't get much better in Mid-november.
Back to the point I was making, now that I've caught up on my crazy month: the people. I am not quite a big fan of being set back. I really do either go big or go home, thrill seeker. Well, Forrest isn't... at all. Very chill hawaiian dude set in his ways. So after cruisin with him for over a week and a half, I'm glad that I'm home. Granted, I'm not some crazy party animal. I just don't like sitting around! Take me somewhere... Anything that feels like an adventure, I'm in. Just sitting around watching TV when I'm in Hawaii though is just not my cup of tea. I liked him but it would only get conflicting if I held onto it any longer. He's a small person i.e. one that is not willing to leave his comfort zone because he's still a little boy who is insecure. =) wow I'm harsh.
Anyway, I gotta get my move on for a night out on the town with my brother finally! Gosh feels good to be back.
Later thoughts.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Reality sinks in... Finally
I haven't even talked or hung out with any of my friends since I've been home. I really just want to keep to myself and family and stay under the radar for a while. I think that will be best for me. And look, with all this alone time and writing time, I'm actually starting to dig the surface of my purpose on this earth!
Last night was interesting... to say the least! I never thought Monday nights could be so crazy but of course I would find a way one of these days. My brother, my friend Dylan and I went to a Burning Man gathering to discuss the events of last week and share some of our experiences of a magically week. Meh, it was alright... bunch of nerds with goofy opinions on everything but I didn't mind... it was entertaining to say the least. Then afterwards, my brother and I continue sharing our thoughts at the Cha Cha and then make our way to the Moe bar - which got packed! Not to mention, Joel -my first actual boyfriend- was bartending at. After about an hour in, he gets off work and starts drinking and hanging out. We head over to another bar together and start flirting like old times, thank you drunken natures. Keep in mind, Joel has a girlfriend. Maybe it was me being selfish or him being too weak to just go home, but things started getting... close. As the bar was closing down, Joel invited me back to his place. At that moment, I actually told him that I could just take off with my brother and that I didn't have to go back with him. I'm not one to be the home-wrecker and I still had some frame of mind to observe the situation brought to hand. He goes on by telling me it's ok and that he missed me. aghh... here we go again. Our drunk a$$es make it back to his apartment and the rest was history. After all was said and done, he admitted he'd felt guilty. I don't blame him. I missed the guy so much and what we used to be that I wasn't strong enough to just walk away. We both decided after this point on, night encounters are no longer. I left early the next morning and spent the rest of the day with my brother.
Aghhh... I think that morning that i wake up, hungover might I add, I realized then that I need to start getting my shit together. Reality sucks... unless you want to make the best times of your life possible, you have to get through all the hard times. If only I could find a way around them...
Later this evening, my brother and I when to an entrepreneurial seminar and it got my mind into thinking, why don't I just start my own thing?? I don't think my destiny involves following someone elses' orders and I'm not meant for a 9-5 desk job so why not? Ideas are bouncing around in my head trying to make something of it. I was thinking or having my own banquet service for companies, families and friends and make those good moments last. Man, I would absolutely love a job like that.
yikes... I have so many things to write about but i'm afraid I'm going to use the keyboard as my pillow in a few minutes unless I wrap this up quick..
I will be back =)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
And I thought Burning Man was hard to explain.
I have tested those abilities too early tonight.
So I start easing my way into dancing on the dance floor and start hoppin around. I could feel the old me coming back as the music was pumping through my veins and allowing my body to move. ooo wait... I felt striking pain in my knee and started working my way out of the dancing scene. The more I started walking to sit, the intensity of the pain increased drastically. As I finally managed to find somewhere to rest, all I could express was the lightning strike of pain that was flowing through my knees (and still is). I started rocking back and forth and massaging my knees but the more attention I brought to them, the more it hurt. There finally came a point where I couldn't feel anything but the incredible amount of pain that I felt was being injected into my knees. I couldn't do anything but cry at that point. My friend came over and was practically nursing me in my paralized condition but I was trying to tough it out. I didn't want to be that weak girl that couldn't pull through. Everything else was there, I was headache-free, puke-free, healthy and stable throughout everywhere else in my body but the excrusiating pain from my knees buckling underneath me.
We got out of the hot and sweaty dance floor to outside where the pain seemed to still be getting worse. I was crying like a baby at this point. I couldn't stop it hurt so much. My poor friend, Dylan, didn't know what to do but to kiss it and ask around for ice. A young man came by and gave me some pain killers which was nice... and after about a half hour I was finally feeling better.
I have never felt this kind of pain in my knees before. Never felt so helpless and in so much throbbing pain. I feel like my leg has been disconnected and is working itself back together again.
I am in hell and I just want this misery to end!!!! Haven't I already had a good dose of reality already?!?!? Take me back to where life was simple and I was healthy... please. hah.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Whiplash of Events / Perma Burn Thoughts.

FIRST OFF, I need to dis

Anyway, so these pictures are just a few of whats out there and what it's all about. It's all about what people have to contribute and to just give a piece of who they are to Burning Man. It could be a bumpin' Art Car, to a massive structure, to a dancing dome with world known DJ's spinning beats, to the hottest bar on the playa. Things that I've never thought of before I'll find there... that's the beauty of it. The most talented and creative people on playa exist th

I was on fire the first couple days I first stepped my uncracked, unbr
uised, moistened feet onto the playa... but then... I started dancing and I couldn't really stop. Seriously... I sometimes don't realize I can dance so much and so well until I'm out there on the playa. Anyway, the second night... lets just say my feet have already done enough dancing for the year but I still kept goin. It was around 4-5 am and my whole camp is no where around (probably back at ca
mp sleeping) and I'm still goin on the dance floor. I go to the last club that's close to home and see this handsome, young guy dancing with the same energy as me. I was feelin' it and was vibing off of him. Next thing you know we're chatting up a storm on the dance floor. Then, we find our way to the bar and talk a bit more, which turned into making out and cuddling into the daylight. It was lovely... however, I didn't think it would turn out to be so easy to find him after that. I leave later thinking we'd may or may not see each other later. Throughout the day, he had crossed my mind and I'd hope to see him but knowing Mikaela, I don't let men consume my thoughts and plus there were SO many things to see I was in my own la la land. So, I'm out with my brother and crew dancing like crazy and all the sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder and of course it's fucking him! I was stoked and his eyes were wide open in disbelief and ended up having a magnificent rest of the night together. The next day same thing happens, except we said we'd meet later at the Pink Mammoth camp. No time really just at some point... I let the w
hole afternoon go by before I felt the urge to go to this camp and find him. Two minutes in, there he is walking in with the exact same intentions to find me. The evening was beautiful on a lovely art car. We easily met up again later after I prepped for the night, which turned out to be even better than the last. The next day just got weird... I was waiting for my neighbor chick, ashleigh who is also from london... haha course, to piss and along comes him and his two friends on their bikes and just happened to ride by... out of 50,000 people?? I couldn't make anything of it... it was just an amazing feeling that the call of fate really brought us together. I started to fall in love after that and the rest of my trip was history. It was so short but so beautiful. The pictures really do alot of the talking. I wish I wasn't into men that live on the other side of the world from me.... Now if fate reaaaaalllly worked- we'd make a way to see each other in the real world. haha. right. I WISH!!
On to the reality of things...............................
The last day was sad... everything started to sink in before we even left! Ollie (man I met) and I were crying about the great memories we had on the playa this year and how it's all ending. We thought about our futures and where they were heading... and then it was goodbye... I got all choked up and walked off only to run into all his friends I saw the night before. Everything about the man made me not want to leave him, including fate!!, but I knew I had to. And, boy, am I bad at goodbyes. I wish and hope and get lucky to see him someday soon...
Anyway, the packing was a drag... driving was a drag, especially since everyone smoked pot and passed out and couldn't drive which left me up to the task with a bunch of ol' love songs that I found to be great for karaoke one of these days soon... I just couldn't stop thinking about him. Thank god everyone was mostly sleeping - I hate how dumbfounded I get over men sometimes... So 24 hours, a few dips in the hot springs and a Mc Donald's trip later - WE ARRIVE!!!! It was 2 am and WOW. I have never felt so in AWE over a comfy, clean bed. I sunk into those right away and went on in my dreamy world with my playa boy friend. aweee...
The next day was filled with cleaning, laundry, vacuum, organizing, and then finally resting... we realized somewhere through the day that this house is about to be foreclosed. My dad stopped paying the bills, which means I need to find a place to live asap. As if I needed another packing trip. As sad as it is to leave this place, I am a big fan of new beginnings... I just hope it doesn't become a draggg.
Another cozy night goes by in my bed and still have those playa bugs flying in my stomach not wanting to face reality quite yet. Waking up the next morning was a bit more peaceful. I start off slow... catch up on emails finally- and facebook of course ... and what do ya know! I see Mr. Ollie on and start chatting with him... it's crushing to go from a touch to a screen but it was nice to hear from him to say the least... He missed me... I missed him... we discussed the reality of everything now that we're back in our own worlds... then we said our farewells and off to the day I go...
As I'm getting up to start my day... my sister comes storming into the room in tears - could hardly speak and then catches her breath to say that our grandfather, G-Pa, has shot himself dead. . . . great. As if my week could get any better. Without hesitation we agreed to get ready and head down to see G-Ma and help arrange everything with her... man, she was an absolute WRECK. Me and Ali were too... it was just a sad thing to see... tears all day - memories of my childhood flashing back from when we were so happy together. Then to hear all the horror and anger and disbelief of such a sudden traumatic incident... it was just unbearable. We were glad to be there for her though... who knows what she would have done.
We stayed the night there, slept a few hours then helped her get through her day (signed bills, went grocery shopping, etc..) We talked her through everything at least 5 times and told her to stay strong... She just was so pissed I don't think anything we could have said would have changed anything. She decided to see him before his cremation so we went to the funeral home... and I opened the door to see him. agh. what a sight. eyes discolored and bulging twice as big out of his face.... the blood from his brain had flowed right to the front and caused it to be that way. It was sick... she stroked his face and asked why several times... put her hands on his heart then slowly walked away... it wasn't a sight to be seen for more than a minute. I hope I don't have nightmares.... I've thought about it though. He'd had his stroke over 14 years ago, was so independent and strong to so helpless and weak... couldn't talk anymore and couldn't use the left side of his body. He had his brain though... I couldn't even begin to think how frustrating that would be. I am happy he's free from the agony though, even though it wasn't a natural way to go... I can just see him smiling and laughing walking freely with my mom somewhere up there....
Now, finally, after everything has been said and done... I'm home. I'm finally home. It's the weirdest feeling I have right now from such highs to the worst lows but I'm sure it will even out eventually... back to normal... where reality hits me when the dreams don't behave.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Pre-burner Summer Dreams
As for the last couple of months go, it's been quite nice. I really can't complain besides the fact that work has been kinda slow with the nice weather and all. I haven't been boating as much because I have done that nonstop, all summer long for the past three years and there are alot of other things about Seattle in the summer time that I haven't walked upon. I must say, I am alittle disappointed that I haven't been more active lately. No big hikes or long swims this summer. However, I did try rafting down the river the other day which was so much fun. I've been trying to keep my relationships minimized to just my close friends and no other randoms like that social butterfly I have been known to be in the past. I've been singing alot more. Something about being on stage and singing karaoke is just a blast for me. It's not really the attention I go after (however I can't lie I don't mind it) but its just the feeling of what all the musical artists talk about when they are up on stage. It's fun and fearless to me now. I love it.
I met a guy for the first time this summer. I have been going the whole summer with no sex, no kisses, not even an intimate touch. I chose to be that way though, without really knowing it. I don't really pursue guys I may be into when they are into me, and I just didn't want to bear the drama that seems to tag along to relationships that I've observed. So I stayed on the sidelines all summer, observing these bickering, gruesome fights that people call being a part of a relationship and went on with my single independence. Then out of no where, a young Israli man came to me with no fear and an endless amount of effort and persistence to get to know me better. I have kept my walls up and not shown near enough as much interest as he is showing me but he definitely is growing on me. I wonder why I get so closed off when someone tries to get so close? hmmmm... oh wait... now I know. hah.
Anton is coming back tomorrow HALLELUJAH!! Once he gets here, preparation for the burn is going to be bumped up a few notches that is for sure. We now have 10 people coming along to experience the burn with us and a sick camper van along with the astro van that will comfortably fit all of us in just fine. Oh man, I just can't wait to see the day.
Cheers to summer 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Time for an update.
The last couple months seemed to just roll on by, with a few detours of course. I have had a new sense of reality these days. Treat others how you want to be treated. Crazy huh? I swear someone told me this YEARS ago, but I'm finally putting this concept to use. I have been known to be impatient and tempermental with most people. It only took one smirk, one sly comment, or one useless point of advice to get right under my skin and set me off. Nowadays... well, I've lightened up I guess you can say. I want the people in my life to be in my life for a reason. I want to grow and prosper from the strength others give me and become all the possiblities of who I want to be. With that said, cheers to a whole new year of growth.
From Cali to Vegas to Vegas and Vegas yet again, it's time for Mikaela to take a new vacation. Will it be Maui? Perhaps. If not though, she can always touch up her roots a bit in good ole Minnesotah. I've decided... it's time to take an adventure with my changing outlook on how to live this damn life.
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday to me.....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Never lend money to friends
It's not just the fact that they owe me money either. It's how they are dealing with it. They put it off and put it off when they know I want my money back. I don't know if I should annoy the shit out of them or just straight up befriend them and give up. I'm over it... I want them to respect me. Give me a date... stop walking all over me. Make me feel like I have loyal and reliable friends. But nope, this whole thing is driving all of us further and further apart like they don't care. In order to salvage what our friendship had they really need to pay me back. I want to become close with them like I once was but at the same time, why would I want to continue to be friends with these girls who have put me off and don't respect me? All I see on their faces is dollar signs!! It's frustrating and I hate it. I don't want to spend any further time thinking about it. I just think it's rude they way they are dealing with it... not once have they gone to me and said "hey mik, I know it's been a while since I've owed you money. I plan on paying you back though!! Here's how I plan on doing it "___" and I will pay by (this) date. I'm sorry I've put such a burden on you. I know you could really use the money bud"
If they said that to me every week, I wouldn't blow up like this but instead they let it boil up to the point where one little thing will just set me off! grrr... I'm tense. Frustrated. I need to let some steam out now... HELLO gym.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I just read a few reviews of this new bar I work at. It kind of left me with a sour taste. Every restaurant presents an image to display and set an environment for the patrons so that they know what they are coming into. You can go to the Purple Cafe and taste great wine and enjoy an intimate dinner as the piano plays, with the staff dressed very plain and simple. You can go to a dive bar, such as Bishops and play music on the jute box, while playing pool or throwing darts with a casually dressed bar staff. You can go to Joey's where you can enjoy fine dining or watch sports in the lounge with a formally dressed cocktail waitressing staff. Or you can go to a small bar in Juanita called JBay's where the upscale atmosphere and an upbeat environment is mixed in with a very attractive wait staff that won't only just serve you but genuinely get to you know as well. Yeah sometime we slip in a shot or two but it ultimately makes working fun and exciting, especially for returning patrons. Now, I've been all over southern California, and taking shots with paying customers while working is a norm. I saw it happen all time, almost in every bar I went to. I thought to myself, "If I were to do that in any of my other waitressing jobs in WA I would have gotten fired on the spot for it." So finally landing a job where I can do that was very shocking, but made it such a fun time to work as well. I'm not trying to justify drinking on the job, but if customers are paying for you to take a shot with them, why not a one or two in a night? As long as you continue to do your job without sounding or looking drunk, I say WHY NOT. What's the harm people? One review came out recently and here is what it said:
"As much as I would like to say good things about this place, I can't! I use to go there all the time before this "reopening". I will say this they have dramatically improved the interior ascetic of the place. It's very nice compared to the great dive bar it once was. I would say the food is still great, if I can remember right the menu seems to be almost the same, with a couple of additions. I will say this too, the servers in there very short and tight attire do a wonderful job of taking care of the guests. which also makes this place a complete "sausage fest"! Guys you know what I am talking about. The problem I have with this place is a big one, I am no dummy as to what goes on, especially right in front of my table. There are certain transaction taking place right in the middle of the bar and constant trips to the bathrooms in this bar. Owners going behind the bar and helping them selves to liquor and pouring their own drinks and doing it quite often I might add that, and the staff doing there fair share of shots as well. Everyone knows everyone there, so I give this place 6 months before it goes down, and they wonder where all the booze went. This place could have been great!"
This guy really had some sort of a jealousy issue to start bashing at the place the way he did. Everyone knows everyone? Ok, so are you just the outsider that feels like he doesn't fit in so that it's ok that you can post dirt on a new place? Get real here. No one wants to hear your sob story about how you think the attractive wait staff and owners that hang out with their friends at the bar (which I don't see anything wrong with) is such a bad thing. And the shady transactions at the bar? That's just pushing the envelope WAY too far. I've never seen that happen since I've worked there and I know no one that works at JBay's would be stupid and pathetic enough to do drug deals at the bar... Thats absolutely ridiculous. And are you stalking people by watching how many times they go to the bathroom? "he was just in the bathroom a half hour ago, you think he's doing something shady?" Sounds like a recovering drug addict and socially challenged individual we're dealing with! Agh, I needed to get that out.
As much as I stand up for JBay's, I do find it alittle superficial but it's worth dealing with when there are always nights where there is a packed house and an perpetual amount of fun floating in the air.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Pondering moment.
For so long I never saw the world around me; I just saw myself in it. I would be right in that moment, but I would never take a step outside of it and see it for what it's worth. I now look at all my experiences and the pasts I have created with random people and nod my head. I'm satisfied with them, but not anxious to make more of it anymore I guess. I suppose I'm just looking, or maybe limited to what I really want in my life, whatever that may be. Life was so simple at one point for me, and then one day it turned. I no longer had that close-knit group of friends. Life just kept moving, as much as I wanted it to just freeze in that one moment. I've had so many experiences like that. I never wanted it to end. But now I know that all good things must end. I am alone from start to finish, no matter how much I wish to repent against it. I am essentially nothing, with the possibility of anything and everything I want to be. I hate to be deputy downer, but that's the reality of it, right? Naturally, I always wanted to forget that factor and fixate myself in another situation so that I can freeze in that moment of contentment, but reality always has its' ways and always crashes down on me. As I realize that, I crave for a new experience to brighten my day. Something to take me away and give depth and value for what my life is worth. I'm not saying that it has to be someone, but maybe something. A new start, a new path, a new direction, a new life could do just fine. However, a single person could just do the trick. I suppose the word I'm looking for is stability. I love the thought of being a team, and knowing that we're all not in this alone, as much as I know it's so true. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.
sigh... time to sleep.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Staying strong in 2009
I hate to write only negative notes which seems to be the trend these days, so I'll try to be positive in this one.
Life recently hasn't been all that bad. I'm finally getting myself back on my feet [despite being flu-like at the present moment] and I'm finding myself around people that I really enjoy for who they are. Not that I wasn't doing that before, but for a time it seemed like I was around people that didn't help me grow as a person and influence me positively. So that's good. I guess a new year calls for a new beginning, a page turned, a new life.
I look back on my california trip, and recall the differences in my life it has brought. For one, I now am alittle more grown up. I now can define myself in a new way, since afterall it did bring out another side of me. I saw how life can really be so simple if you let it. I learned how to just be, and be content with knowing that. I figured out, even further, what I am looking for. And I finally had the courage to say goodbye to some of my friends. Well, it's easier typed than done of course. Being away, creating distance from people that were constantly in your life is what I meant. The funny thing is, now that I'm home I still don't really see them all as much. A group that was so close-knit, always going out together and causing chaos is now broken. It's like they knew I didn't just physically distance myself from them, but mentally as well. That is definitely evident. And all the while, nothing really was even said. Just felt. I gotta say, I have never felt so good being alone.
People are funny beings... I thought I needed to be surrounded by them at every waking moment, which don't get me wrong, I do still surround myself around people alot. Just not as often, mostly for work purposes. Who do I gotta impress anyway? I am perfectly fine being alone. Away from any kind of hurt a person could bear upon me. You know, the kind of hurt that only supports anguish, resentment, regrets, vulnerability, dependency, distrust, drama, distress, complications, etc. I'm not saying that this could all change. I just don't expect or crave anything anymore. I just let it happen when it happens, I've decided. Whether people want to be in my life or not, I'm just going to live it the best way I know how. Cheers to 2009! Man, I hope this year is gonna be avengeful...
Write more later after this sickness subsides.