Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's a new year!! woop dee dooo

my resolution:

I would like to cut down my partying and focus myself more on my goals. I want to get more things in my life ACCOMPLISHED.... you know go to bed at night, lay back in my nicely made bed, smile and say, "ahhh... I got alot done today! I'm glad I pushed myself." RATHER than the way I have been, which leans more to me saying, "ughh, I'm so hungover and I got no sleep last night.. when will this day ENDDD."

I know I can do it if I just focus. I feel that everyone is put through decisions they have to make every day. Some people refer to it as their good conscience and bad conscience. I guess you could say that I have been a bad girl lately and I need to shape up and be the good girl I once was. YEAH it may have not been as much fun, YEAH I may have not had as many friends, YEAH YEAH YEAH.,... but you know what?!?! my life will be more put together and I will be a healthier happier person.

ahhhg I want to write more but my good friend just came by to pick me up and hang out SOBER! haha. alright time to fly like I used to. later yo


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